December 20, 2021 (updated)
Ms. Terona Cobble (T.C.) Johnson • 859-410-9781
Mr. Michael Jones • 859-333-4209 • fryscky.office@gmail.com
Supporting Our FRYSC Family and Kentucky Communities
A message from the Family Resource & Youth Services Coalition of Kentucky in collaboration w/ the Kentucky Division of Family Resource & Youth Services Centers
The devastation of this weekend’s tornadoes has been catastrophic and unimaginable. A large swath of damage and destruction has ripped a hole in the very fabric of our Commonwealth. Our hearts ache for all that we have lost; precious lives, homes, businesses, entire communities. And for those who have survived, an uncertain future, the recovery process could take years.
But before the storms had ended, FRYSCs were already on the ground providing help amidst the chaos, making connections to address immediate needs, and offering the emotional support to a Commonwealth in shock.
The FRYSCKY Coalition acknowledges that coordinators across the state are ready and willing to offer help and assistance, and are also looking for direction for how to BEST help. The Coalition Board recognizes that some centers, especially those closest to the affected areas, have already already jumped into action to help their fellow centers.
We also acknowledge there are MANY MANY more who want to help. We have connected with some coordinators in the hardest hit areas over the weekend, and have developed a list of the most immediate needs for now. We also understand this will be a long term recovery and many needs will extend far behind the immediate support provided by the Red Cross and emergency support agencies. We need your help with needs both immediate and long term. Here are the details.
Immediate Needs
Here is a list of the most critical and immediate needs. You can ship items currently in your possession or you can order items (Amazon, Walmart, etc.) and have them shipped. You’ll find the shipping addresses at this end of this document.
- Grocery & Gas Gift Cards (e.g. Kroger, Meijer, Walmart)
- Socks
- Underwear (men, women, & children)
- Shoes (all sizes)
- Blankets
- Coats
- Tarps
- Plastic Totes/Tubs
- Water
- Hygiene Items (including hair care supplies for ethnic people)
*Important Note: While our centers always welcome gently used clothing to share with our families via our clothing closets. For this particular situation the Centers are requesting that you only donate the clothing items listed above and that these items be new. Clothing (pants/shirts/dresses) while important are not the most needed items, since many people do not have a home to put their clothing.
Long Term Support
For the long term, it is monetary donations that are most needed. Your cash donation will be crucial, as there are many needs that these families will have that are not going to be material in nature, i.e. housing, medical, funeral costs, etc. With ANY natural disaster, there is often a large infusion of support in the immediate aftermath, but the actual needs continue for many weeks and months beyond. This fund is intended to provide support through your local FRYSCs who will assist individuals and families in both recovering and sustaining.
For those who wish to also provide support towards the long term recovery, the Coalition has established a dedicated fund (FRYSC Strong for Kentucky) where individuals and organizations can send donations. These funds will be carefully managed by the Coalition’s Budget and Sustainability Committee and will be distributed through centers to families impacted by the disaster. The Coalition will establish clear guidelines on how this money will be distributed and the financial records for these donations will be available for review to any who request.
Online Donations: FRYSC Strong for Kentucky @support-KY-FRYSC
You can scan the QR code to go directly to the donation page.
Donate by Check: Payable to FRYSCKy, Inc. (Memo Line: Tornado Relief)
Mail to: 2220 Nicholasville Rd., Suite 110-333, Lexington, KY 40503
This is a critical need! Please consider hosting a blood drive in your community or at your school.
Here are some important resources to support our mental health needs in the aftermath of this disaster.
- Mental Health Talk Line: 1-800-273-TALK or text “KY” 741741 if in crisis.
- American Psychological Association: Managing Traumatic Stress: After a Tornado
Here are the shipping details for any of the immediate need items that you and/or school/church/community groups want to send to the impacted sites.
Graves County / Mayfield Area
Shipping Location #1
Mayfield-Graves County Fairgrounds
1001 Housman Street
Mayfield, KY 42066
Shipping Location #2
His House Ministries
1250 State Route 303
Mayfield, KY 42066
Warren County Public Schools
Todd Hazel, Director of Student Services
Warren County Public Schools
303 Lovers Lane
Bowling Green, KY 42103
Bowling Green City Schools
Contact Jennifer Shoemake, FRYSC Coordinator, for details.
Muhlenberg County / Greenville
Contact Ashley Romans, FRC Coordinator, for details.
Dawson Springs Independent Schools
Contact Jonathon Storms, FRYSC Coordinator, for details.
Hopkins County Public Schools
Contact Dana Byrum, FRYSC Coordinator, for details.
* The districts currently listed above are those who have responded to our outreach and who provided delivery addresses or contact information. We will update the information with other district contacts as they are shared with us. Also, ANY center in the impacted areas will be eligible to receive funds that are collected by the FRYSC Coalition as part of this effort.